Friday, July 26, 2024
We make hundreds of choices every day, many of them don't make a difference. There a handful of choices that will have an eternal impact. One of those is choosing to be...
Last week, I asked our community here at Uncompromised Men to share what they considered the top delusions we men tend to buy into. As I sorted through response after response, I noticed several themes developing - a core set...
What's the scariest enemy a man can face? Is it the army gathering on the horizon or the assassins sitting quietly behind the door? Ultimately, the most disconcerting dangers are the ones you never see coming. How does a man...
I have finally discovered the key to transportation bliss. Less wheels. “That’s because less is more,” you smugly whisper into your overheated LCD, and, despite my utter abhorrence at the mention of this oft-misused phrase, I am forced to acknowledge its...
When you think of a man, what comes to mind? A hairy backed, psychotic Neanderthal who happens to be your direct opponent in a contact sport? A gentlemen in overalls and covered in oil, equally versed in spare tires...
In my previous post, I defined prioritization as knowing what to say yes to. Have you noticed that the things in life you really want to do often don’t have time pressure attached? For example, I want to write a...
Let’s talk Time Management. We all want to know how to do it better. Productivity. Efficiency. Getting stuff done. Whatever you call it, we all want to do it better. Time management is important, especially for men, because it...
This is amazing. How epic would it be to stumble into an experience like this? A big "well done" to the creative minds that made this happen!
Swedish filmaker Ralph Persson was shooting film on a snow covered road in the forest, along with his wife, when the man found himself being charged by a bear. The incident is captured in first-person by Persson's camera as well...
I tend to be an all-or-nothing type of guy. Either I'm all-in or I can't be bothered. Sometimes, this is great. I tend to be knowledgeable about a lot of things, because the moment something catches my interest, I'm 5...
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