Sunday, February 16, 2025
For starters, I'm not big on writing about problems. I'd much rather be offering solutions, and there are so many good things to say about the Body of Christ. I doubt that pointing out flaws is the best route...
In my previous post, I defined prioritization as knowing what to say yes to. Have you noticed that the things in life you really want to do often don’t have time pressure attached? For example, I want to write a...
Let’s talk Time Management. We all want to know how to do it better. Productivity. Efficiency. Getting stuff done. Whatever you call it, we all want to do it better. Time management is important, especially for men, because it...
Glorify God With Your Body "For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body."    1 Cor 6:20 I've heard the whole "your body is a Temple" idea a hundred times. Jesus lives inside of me...
Say Yes To Abundant Life Why is purity important? If you're first thought was that sexual immorality is wrong, you're not alone, you're just missing the point. As long as purity is about what I don't do, I will fail in...
When you think of a man, what comes to mind? A hairy backed, psychotic Neanderthal who happens to be your direct opponent in a contact sport? A gentlemen in overalls and covered in oil, equally versed in spare tires...
Face it, you’re wrong! You’re wrong, I’m wrong, your brother is wrong, your mother is wrong, your hero is wrong, and everyone else you know, don’t know, or have simply heard of is wrong about God. I may be wrong, but...
“If you truly love someone, you want the best for them more than the benefits you receive when they're at their best.” I recently came across a quote from a well known pastor and author, which I felt hinted at...
You’re already late. This was due yesterday. And I want the second half done three minutes ago. Sound familiar? Stupid clocks. Keeping precise track of time has really done a number on our society. By compartmentalizing our days, we...
There is only one source from which we receive the promise of our hope. There is only one who can satisfy. If I put my hope in anything other than His goodness, I will most assuredly be disappointed. Even...
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