Friday, May 17, 2024
There is only one source from which we receive the promise of our hope. There is only one who can satisfy. If I put my hope in anything other than His goodness, I will most assuredly be disappointed. Even...
We make hundreds of choices every day, many of them don't make a difference. There a handful of choices that will have an eternal impact. One of those is choosing to be...
I saw this post from a friend the other day, and I thought it might resonate with you: I'm a happy, positive, and optimistic guy, but today I'm Struggling. This is a vie for honesty and vulnerability. As a man we...
We are faced with the need to make decisions all the time. Some are profoundly significant. Who should we marry? Where should we live? What career should we choose? Others, less so. Fortunately, we don't need to be overwhelmed when...
Say Yes To Abundant Life Why is purity important? If you're first thought was that sexual immorality is wrong, you're not alone, you're just missing the point. As long as purity is about what I don't do, I will fail in...
So let me just come right out and say it. Christian denominations are a really, really bad idea. In fact, they're the worst! I'm not talking about any specific denomination. I'm talking about the very existence of denominations within the Church. Denominations are...
I tend to be an all-or-nothing type of guy. Either I'm all-in or I can't be bothered. Sometimes, this is great. I tend to be knowledgeable about a lot of things, because the moment something catches my interest, I'm 5...
During the last week, discussion of the gender pay gap once again reached national prominence. And while I am certainly tempted to weigh in with my personal opinion on the matter, I'm struck by the prevalence of a far...
Simply put, planning can be defined as considering your tomorrow today. It’s amazing how many people simply don’t plan. An old adage says ‘fail to plan and you plan to fail’. How true. All our previous talk of prioritization and...
I feel like I'm constantly frustrated. How about you? I'm actually quite tired of it so I've been thinking about what I should do..... Coincidentally, last week I was reading a devotional and the...
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