Saturday, July 27, 2024
When you think of a man, what comes to mind? A hairy backed, psychotic Neanderthal who happens to be your direct opponent in a contact sport? A gentlemen in overalls and covered in oil, equally versed in spare tires...
Let me be clear. I married ‘up’. I’m one of those guys. Please don’t patronise me by saying ‘oh, no, she did well too, marrying you’ or something like that. I don’t say I’ve married above my batting average...
This is my first post from Israel. You can read my intro to the trip here. It’s been an incredible trip thus far but a sobering one as well. We recently visited Sderot, Israel, just a few miles north of...
In less than one month, I'll be getting married to the woman of my dreams. This is obviously a major step in my life, and I couldn't be more excited. Marriage is beautiful. It is a glorious manifestation of...
The following is a guest post from Lauren Penrod. A discussion of love languages is long overdue on Uncompromised Men, and Lauren has been kind enough to provide an excellent introduction to this important subject.   Men and women are inherently...
If there’s one thing we know about teens, it’s that they can be absolutely impossible to reason with. I mean, seriously, we are just the worst when we want to be. It’s no secret that the relational dynamic between...
You made it here with a few scars. You haven’t always made the right choices. You may be just beginning the process of healing (or perhaps you completed that decades ago). Perhaps some of your friends have a much smoother...
He is King. He is Judge. He is the Creator of everything and the Lord of all. But sometimes, perhaps much more often than we realize, He simply wants to be our Father. In John 14, Jesus says that if we've...
For the last six years, I've been a man in transition. Having made my way through two schools, six residences, and numerous jobs, I have most assuredly enjoyed the excitement of new tasks, new scenes, and new relationships. Change...
Ladies, the first thing you need to know is that you're beautiful. Absolutely, completely, unequivocally beautiful. I’m sorry that men don’t tell you this more often. I’m sorry I’ve let fear of man’s interpretation prevent me from telling you...
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