Saturday, July 27, 2024
We discussed the discipline of friendship yesterday. A few things really stood out. The men longed for friendship. Most of us didn't have a best friend. Even...
So let me just come right out and say it. Christian denominations are a really, really bad idea. In fact, they're the worst! I'm not talking about any specific denomination. I'm talking about the very existence of denominations within the Church. Denominations are...
In my previous post, I defined prioritization as knowing what to say yes to. Have you noticed that the things in life you really want to do often don’t have time pressure attached? For example, I want to write a...
When you think of a man, what comes to mind? A hairy backed, psychotic Neanderthal who happens to be your direct opponent in a contact sport? A gentlemen in overalls and covered in oil, equally versed in spare tires...
I feel like I'm constantly frustrated. How about you? I'm actually quite tired of it so I've been thinking about what I should do..... Coincidentally, last week I was reading a devotional and the...
Face it, you’re wrong! You’re wrong, I’m wrong, your brother is wrong, your mother is wrong, your hero is wrong, and everyone else you know, don’t know, or have simply heard of is wrong about God. I may be wrong, but...
For starters, I'm not big on writing about problems. I'd much rather be offering solutions, and there are so many good things to say about the Body of Christ. I doubt that pointing out flaws is the best route...
“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” James 3:17 What is wisdom? How would you define it? Is...
I tend to be an all-or-nothing type of guy. Either I'm all-in or I can't be bothered. Sometimes, this is great. I tend to be knowledgeable about a lot of things, because the moment something catches my interest, I'm 5...
You made it here with a few scars. You haven’t always made the right choices. You may be just beginning the process of healing (or perhaps you completed that decades ago). Perhaps some of your friends have a much smoother...
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